A life dedicated to printing and its related arts, Stephen Stinehour continues his work at Stinehour editions, working with artists and institutions in the making of books.
Stephen Stinehour, from Threads of Influence  by Tom Morin 

Stephen Stinehour, from Threads of Influence  by Tom Morin

Photograph by Aaron Constant

A blog on the endeavors of Rocky Stinehour, The Stinehour Press, and the Meriden Gravure Company

Items from the archives of  Roderick Stinehour, The Stinehour Press and The Meriden Gravure Company can be seen HERE.

Welcome to Stinehour Editions in Lunenburg, Vermont

Views of the Stinehour Editions studio in South Lunenburg, Vermont, dedicated to printing and its related arts

Discover more aspects of our work through some of our collaborators in Links to Our Friends